Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Speaking English

1. In this video, you will learn a lot of bedroom vocabulary!

Click on the video link: English vocabulary

2. Learn how to talk about your age in English, and learn some new expressions too!

Click on the video link: Talk about your age

Friday, August 7, 2020

English grammar - DO/DOES and WAS/WERE

1. Learn how to use the verb DO/DOES in simple present and past present sentences. 
Click on DO / DOES DON'T / DOESN'T to watch the videos.

2. Learn about the past tense of TO BE.
Click on  WAS / WERE to watch the video. 

Watch the videos many times and write down new words and phrases. 

Good luck!


At the restaurant, at the supermarket, in the grocery store, or in the kitchen.

Learn English by watching videos.

Here are some videos that you can watch to learn vocabulary and phrases that you can use..at the restaurant, at the supermarket, in the grocery store, or in the kitchen.   

Click on the links:  

Kitchen vocabulary

Food and drinks


Order at the restaurant

Order at the restaurant

At the supermarket

Grocery store

A day out

Talking about household 

Watch the videos many times and write down new words and phrases. 

Good luck!

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Like + VERB - Like + infinitive

Learn English grammar: 


2. VERB+ing

In this video, you can look at the verb: LIKE +infinitive.

And you can also learn and look at the verbs:


Write down examples from the video

Click on the link English grammar to watch the video! 

Good luck!